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Bend ILS/ILT Worksheet

This workbook performs an interlaminar strength analysis of bends in composite laminates per the method of ESDU 94019, "Through-the-Thickness Stresses and Failure in the Corner Radius of a Laminated Composite Section".   Both interlaminar shear (ILS) and interlaminar tension (ILT) are taken into account.

Features and Capabilities

  • An iterative solution of the interaction of interlaminar shear and tension (or compression) is performed to find the location with the lowest margin of safety.
  • ILS and ILT are graphed vs both radial position and angle around the bend to provide a sanity check of the results.
  • A balanced freebody diagram of the bend being analyzed is generated on the fly.
  • Individual or multiple copies of the worksheet can be incorporated into existing workbooks.
  • The VBA module that performs the calculations can be used independently of the worksheet.


The Bend ILS/ILT workbook consists primarily of a VBA module that performs all the calculations and a worksheet that aids in visualizing and verifying those calculations.  The VBA module can be copied into any other workbook independently of the visualization sheet.  It is recommended that the visualization sheet accompany the module as verification can frequently be more time consuming than the actual calculations.

The inputs are identified in blue on the worksheet and are shown in Figure 1.  Inputs consist of geometry, applied loads, laminate properties, and interlaminar allowables.

The geometry inputs are illustrated in Figure 2.  The bend angle, BA, is measured in degrees.  The inner radius (bend radius), IR or a, and the laminate thickness, T, are measured in inches or mm.

Loads are applied on the θ=0 face with the sign convention shown in Figure 2.  M0, the running moment, is measured in in·lb/in or N·mm/mm.  N0, the running axial load, and S0, the running shear, are measured in lb/in or N/mm.

The interlaminar allowables are all input in psi or kPa.  fs-all is the shear (ILS) allowable.  ft-all is the tensile (ILT) allowable.  fc-all is the compressive (ILC) allowable.

The laminate properties are entered in Msi or GPa for the moduli (E & G).  The Poisson's ratios, PR, are nondimensional.  The x, r & t subscripts represent the axial, radial and tangential directions as shown in Figure 2.  Two subscripts used together refer to the plane defined by those vectors.

Figure 1 - Inputs
Geometry Laminate Properties
BA = 60.0° 1.047 rad Ex = 7.518 Msi
a = IR = 0.400 in Er = 1.350 Msi
T = 0.148 in Et = 7.518 Msi
Applied Loads Grt = 0.700 Msi
M0 = -30.0 in·lb/in PRxr = 0.320  
N0 = 35.0 lb/in PRxt = 0.247  
S0 = 40.0 lb/in PRtr = 0.320  
Allowables System of Units
fs-all = 9910 psi Units imperial  
ft-all = 4990 psi  
fc-all = -4990 psi  
Figure 2 - Composite Bend

The outputs are identified in violet on the worksheet and are shown in Figure 3.  Outputs consist of reaction loads, critical location information, and margin of safety parameters.

The reaction loads are located at the θ=BA face and are plotted in the free body diagram in Figure 4.  MBA, NBA, and SBA have the same units as their corresponding applied loads.

The critical location is defined by rcrit and θcrit and is plotted as a red dot in Figure 4.  The interlaminar stresses at the critical location, σcrit and τcrit, are displayed in psi or kPa.  The critical radial location, %T, is displayed as a thru-the-thickness percentage.

The stress ratios used to calculate the reserve factor and margin of safety are Rradial and Rshear.
Rradialcrit/(ft-all or fc-all)Rshearcrit/fs-allReq is the equivalent stress ratio based on a circular interaction, Req²=Rradial² + Rshear²RF is the reserve factor, RF=1/ReqMS is the margin of safety, MS=RF-1.

Figure 3 - Outputs
Reaction Loads
MBA = -38.125 in·lb/in
NBA = 52.141 lb/in
SBA = 10.311 lb/in
Critical Location
rcrit = 0.463 in
θcrit = 48.81°  
σcrit = 831 psi
τcrit = 0 psi
%T = 42.6%  
Margin of Safety
Rradial = 0.166  
Rshear = 0.000  
Req = 0.166  
RF = 6.007  
MS = +5.01  
Figure 4 - Free Body Diagram


The various parameters used in ESDU 94019 are summarized in the "Intermediate Calculations" table shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5 - Summary of Intermediate Calculations
Intermediate Calculations
β11 = 0.7271 1 - cλ+1 = 0.6585 = OmcLp1
β22 = 0.1249 1 - cλ-1 = 0.3590 = OmcLm1
β12 = -0.0531 1 - c = 0.7811 = Omc2L
β66 = 1.4286 cμ = 0.2689 = cm
λ = 2.413 b = OR = 0.548 in
μ = 4.172   λ ≠ 1 λ = 1
g1 = -0.049 g = -0.0087  
    g2 =   0.1808
c = a/b = 0.7299 K0 = 5127.0 -264.9
C3 = -251.1 C0 = 0.0 -0.1677
C4 = -0.4461 C1 = -1.972 0.0504
C5 = 25.897 C2 = -0.0202 -0.4672


The VBA function iterates to find the minimum RF at θ=0, θ=BA, and θs in between.  The blocks at the bottom of the worksheet display seven iterations in each of these ranges.  The results of these iterations are summarized in the "Comparison of Worksheet Calcs to Function Results" table, shown in Figure 6, along with the results from the VBA function.  The worksheet and function values should match.

Figure 6 - Comparison
Comparison of Worksheet Calcs to Function Results
Function Output Worksheet θ rcrit MS
RF = 6.007   θ = 0 0.00° 0.4631 +6.363
σcrit = 831 psi Iteration 48.81° 0.4630 +5.007
τcrit = 0 psi θ = BA 60.00° 0.4630 +5.070
rcrit = 0.4360 in Minimum 48.81° 0.4630 +5.007
θcrit = 48.8°   From Function 48.81° 0.4630 +5.007


The solution parameters are plotted vs. %Thickness and θ, as a secondary verification that the critical location has been found.  The objective of the iterations is to find the values of r and θ where the equivalent stress ratio, Req is a maximum.  Since Req is an interaction of Rradial and Rshear such that
Req² = Rradial² + Rshear²
it was easier to iterate on Req² (designated RR).  The Newton-Raphson method, which uses the parameters ∂RR/∂r and ∂RR/∂θ, is executed.  ∂²RR/∂r² and ∂RR²/∂θ² are also calculated to determine if a point is a min or max.  The ratio of each of these parameters against their maximum value is plotted, as shown in Figures 7 & 8.  σ and τ are also included.

If the critical RF occurs where 0<θ<BA, ∂RR/∂r and ∂RR/∂θ will be zero.

Figure 7 - Plot of Iteration Parameters vs. %Thickness



Figure 8 - Plot of Iteration Parameters vs. θ

VBA and Name Considerations

If you plan to incorporate this worksheet into another workbook, here are some issues to keep in mind.

  1. The freebody diagram on the visualization sheet employs VBA macros to maintain the correct aspect ratio when updated.  Also, some of the calculations are performed by VBA functions.  If this worksheet is copied into other workbooks, the following code will have to accompany it.
    1. The VBA code contained in ThisWorkbook under 'Microsoft Excel Objects' must be copied to ThisWorkbook in the destination workbook.  It identifies the charts that will need to be rescaled on update.  It only runs when the workbook is initially opened.
    2. The VBA class module clmChartEventClass must be copied to the destination workbook (just drag and drop the module).  It performs the rescaling of the diagrams.
    3. The VBA module ILS_ILT... must be copied to the destination workbook (just drag and drop the module).  It contains functions that perform the iterative solution.  Function clmBendILS_ILT takes all the geometry, material, and loads inputs for the bend and returns the reserve factor, critical stresses, and critical location.  Function clmMaxMag returns the value with the largest magnitude from a list of values.
  2. The following defined names are referenced by VBA code.  Don't change them.  The named ranges can be reviewed with the NAME MANAGER in the FORMULA ribbon.
    1. EnvFBD is a named range for the cells containing the bounds of the freebody diagram.
    2. StressExtents is a named range for the cells containing the bounds of the stress axes in the BendAngleDiagram and the ThicknessDiagram.
    3. FreeBodyDiagram is the chart on which the freebody diagram is plotted.
    4. BendAngleDiagram is the chart on which the solution parameters are plotted versus bend angle.
    5. ThicknessDiagram is the chart on which the solution parameters are plotted versus thickness.